Organize, organize!

Organize, organize!

[Statement on GMA7’s massive retrenchment] Altermidya, the national network of alternative media organizations and practitioners, stands in solidarity with our colleagues in the GMA-7 regional stations who have recently been laid off. The mass retrenchment of...

An attack on the rights of journalists and press freedom

An attack on the rights of journalists and press freedom

The obsolete, repressive law on libel is one of the instruments of oppressors to attack the freedom of speech and expression and press freedom. Since 1986, more than 180 journalists have been killed and more still suffer from oppressive libel charges. Just recently in...

Strengthen the Voice of the People

Strengthen the Voice of the People

The people’s media serve the people, particularly the toiling masses of workers and peasants, the women, the youth, the intelligentsia, the national minorities, the low-income people, and others who are oppressed and exploited and who have little or no access to the dominant or so-called mainstream media.

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