AlterMidya (People’s Alternative Media Network), in cooperation with Aninaw Productions, Community Empowerment Resource Network Inc. (CERNET) and Department of Health Region 7, held a Basic Multimedia Training last April 21-22 in Cebu City.
The training aims to hone the skills of health workers, youth and the urban poor in writing, photography, and videography in the service of marginalized communities. Sixteen participants from various sectors attended the training held at the Visayas Community Medical Center (VCMC), including members of Advocating Gender-Based Actions Towards Caring Communities (AGACC), youth group Anakbayan, urban poor group Kadamay and transport group PISTON.
Dyan Gumanao of Aninaw Productions welcomed the participants, and talked about the need to strengthen the alternative media movement in the Philippines so that underreported issues will have a platform that is not dictated by corporate interests.
Lori Manigos, social media specialist of Sun Star Cebu, gave an input on basic news writing. Januar Yap, a veteran photojournalist of Sun Star Cebu, gave a presentation on visual language and basic photography. Ilang-Ilang Quijano, board member and associate editor of AlterMidya, meanwhile taught the basics of video production.

Participants were able to come up with a written and video story on Balay Malingkawasnon, an HIV screening facility of the VCMC that conducts community outreach. Their output aims to inform the public of the services offered by Balay Malingkawasnon for People Living With HIV/AIDS.
As a result of the training, participants also came up with images of urban poverty, and stories about political prisoners such as the Mabinay 6.
Jon Neil Perfecto, AGACC project coordinator, congratulated the participants and said that the training will go a long way in strengthening community-based media and various advocacy campaigns such as for better health services and against gender discrimination.