Hands Off Environmental Journalist Deo Montesclaros

Hands Off Environmental Journalist Deo Montesclaros

Altermidya Network strongly condemns the baseless terrorism financing complaint filed against Deo Montesclaros, a multimedia reporter for Pinoy Weekly and former correspondent of The Northern Dispatch. These false accusations are part of the state’s ongoing...

Stand with Frenchie! Junk the trumped-up cases vs Tacloban 5!

Stand with Frenchie! Junk the trumped-up cases vs Tacloban 5!

In her second time taking the witness stand on January 13, 2025, journalist Frenchie Mae Cumpio will refute charges of ‘terrorism financing’ against her and lay worker Marielle Domequil. The case is but another trumped-up charge compounded on the illegal possession of...

Our fight for justice is also a fight against impunity

Our fight for justice is also a fight against impunity

As we mark the 15th year since the brutal Ampatuan Massacre, widely regarded as the worst case of election-related violence and the worst attack on media workers in Philippine history, we continue our fight for justice. Justice because convictions in the case came a...

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