STATEMENT: Alternative media outfits under attack fight back

STATEMENT: Alternative media outfits under attack fight back

Marking the anniversary of the first ever internet connection in the Philippines, alternative media outifts are fighting back as they filed a civil complaint for damages against two companies found by experts to be the source of the relentless cyber-attacks against...

Alternative media under siege

Alternative media under siege

Graphics by Kaye Pancho WE DENOUNCE the recent cyberattacks on the news sites of Altermidya members Bulatlat, Kodao, and Pinoy Weekly. Their websites were evident targets of distributed denial of service or DDOS attacks, which made the websites inaccessible since...

Anti-fake news bill: Dangerous – and unnecessary

Anti-fake news bill: Dangerous – and unnecessary

AlterMidya Statement on the "Fake News'" Bill (Senate Bill 1492) WHILE the proliferation of fake news is admittedly damaging to citizen discussion and debate on public issues, if passed into law Senate Bill (SB) 1492 would be even more detrimental to free expression...

Oppose threats of media censorship

Oppose threats of media censorship

WE AT THE Altermidya denounce the Philippine military's threat to censor the press, including social media, during the implementation of martial law in Mindanao. AFP spokesperson Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla on Friday told the media that the military will exercise its...

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