On the first observation of National Press Freedom Day

On the first observation of National Press Freedom Day

The Philippines observes its first National Press Freedom Day today, August 30, 2022, after former president Rodrigo Duterte signed into law Republic Act No. 11699 on April 13. The date marks the birth anniversary of Filipino propagandist Marcelo H. del Pilar,...

#UnblockTheTruth: Nullify NTC website blocking order

#UnblockTheTruth: Nullify NTC website blocking order

The Altermidya Network expresses support to our member-outfit Bulatlat in filing a petition today, July 8, to nullify the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) order blocking its news sites along with Pinoy Weekly, Arkibong Bayan, and 25 other websites.

Reporting the truth is not terrorism

Reporting the truth is not terrorism

We in the Altermidya Network demand the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to reverse its order blocking the news sites of two of our member outfits, Bulatlat and Pinoy Weekly. The order for Internet service providers to block readers’ access to the websites...

Questions for Danao and the PNP

Questions for Danao and the PNP

The mass arrest of over 90 farmers, advocates, and members of the media in Hacienda Tinang, Concepcion, Tarlac last week has caught the Philippine National Police (PNP) in a tight bind, with authorities now scrambling to defend their unjustifiable acts. This is...

Marcos Jr.’s promises, promises

Marcos Jr.’s promises, promises

ONE OF THE few concrete policy promises Ferdinand Marcos Junior made during his campaign for the Presidency of these isles of forgetfulness was to make rice available at Php20.00 per kilo. The average price of a kilo of the staple was more than twice Php20.00 at...

Promises, promises

Promises, promises

ONE OF THE few concrete policy promises Ferdinand Marcos Junior made during his campaign for the Presidency of these isles of forgetfulness was to make rice available at Php20.00 per kilo.

Drop the cyberlibel charges, stop the harassment

Drop the cyberlibel charges, stop the harassment

We in the Altermidya-People's Alternative Media Network express solidarity with colleagues in Rappler and other individuals who are facing cyber libel complaints in connection with a series of investigative reports into Pastor Apollo Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Jesus...

JOINT STATEMENT: Stop the cyber attacks!

JOINT STATEMENT: Stop the cyber attacks!

Over the past few months, several news sites have been subjected to cyber attacks. According to a February 7 article in the Manila Bulletin, the websites of CNN Philippines, Rappler and Philstar.com have been attacked, purportedly by a group calling itself Pinoy...

Controlling the media narrative

Controlling the media narrative

When asked their views on media and press freedom as well as free expression, politicians of the Philippine variety will swear to high heaven their respect for both. But the most clueless among them about what both freedoms mean and what they consist of will do their...

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