Luis V. Teodoro

Promises, promises

ONE OF THE few concrete policy promises Ferdinand Marcos Junior made during his campaign for the Presidency of these isles of forgetfulness was to make rice available at Php20.00 per kilo.

Controlling the media narrative

Controlling the media narrative

When asked their views on media and press freedom as well as free expression, politicians of the Philippine variety will swear to high heaven their respect for both. But the most clueless among them about what both freedoms mean and what they consist of will do their...

Strike three for the U.S.

Strike three for the U.S.

LAST week’s chaos at Afghanistan’s Kabul Airport was somewhat reminiscent of the scene in the former South Vietnamese capital of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) when US troops pulled out in 1975 as the guerrillas of the National Liberation Front (NLF), which the US had derisively labelled the “Vietcong,” took control of the city.

Educating the electorate

Educating the electorate

The Philippine experience with elections should have taught everyone by now that voter education is crucial to the present and future of this country.

Against Independence

Against Independence

PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE’S repeated threats against ABS-CBN are wrong for its pettiness and narrow, self-serving, and vindictive partisanship. But it is equally wrong for its pro-people and anti-oligarchy pretensions. Mr. Duterte did not only shut down the country’s...

The ABS-CBN Shutdown and Democracy

The ABS-CBN Shutdown and Democracy

COMMUNICATION academics, media advocacy groups, human rights defenders, journalists’ organizations, artists and other professionals, and even some congressmen and senators have condemned the shutdown of ABS-CBN. But national artist for literature F. Sionil Jose is...

Information lockdown

Information lockdown

A number of media advocacy, human rights and journalists’ organizations, as well as individual journalists and media practitioners and artists, have denounced the shutdown of television and radio network ABS-CBN as an attack on free expression and press freedom, and...

Press freedom is a global need

Press freedom is a global need

A sovereign citizenry’s right and duty of monitoring and evaluating public issues and problems, and of commenting on them and proposing alternative approaches and solutions, are best served by a free press. But because their hold on power partly depends on being...

Combating Disinformation: Beyond Truth-telling

Combating Disinformation: Beyond Truth-telling

TRUTH-telling and accuracy are the fundamental ethical and professional commitments of the alternative press and media in furtherance of the people’s right to know. Truth telling is crucial to the journalistic task of developing among the media audiences the...

Reliving the past

Reliving the past

THE ONE-YEAR extension of martial law in Mindanao was a foregone conclusion. Even the political opposition predicted approval of it because of the overwhelming dominance in both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the allies and party mates of President...

Media Literacy 101: The Alternative Press and Media

Media Literacy 101: The Alternative Press and Media

THE phrase "alternative press" gained currency in the last years of the Marcos terror regime, when Jose Burgos' Malaya, We Forum, and other newspapers, magazines and news agencies were published to provide Filipinos and the rest of the world the information about...

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